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Headshot of photographer/owner

...and my vision

I have been taking photographs since I was a kid. My father had a Rolliflex - a twin lens 120 that took remarkable photos. Borrowed it from Dad and have not stopped shooting. Graduated to a 35mm in high school and worked on the school newspaper and yearbook; even won a state high school newspaper competition. Moved to digital and haven't turned back since. Taught myself how to use PhotoShop and a whole slew of Adobe products - it is a great tool. Shooting Nikons now and loving it.

Stan Segawa

About me

I like to capture magical moments with my photography. You have got to keep an eye out for these moments as they are fleeting and don't allow second chances.

I also love panoramas. The camera is so limited as what it can capture in one shot. But string ten or more shots together and you get a whole new perspective on the world.

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